Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cuban Missile Crisis By John F. Kennedy - 1208 Words

Cuban Missile Crisis by John F. Kennedy On October 15, American pilots photographed evidence that Soviet ballistic missiles were being installed in Cuba. Although the Soviet Union did not have any intentions of attacking the United States, they wanted the weapons on hand in case there is a nuclear war. Kennedy immediately tapped their missiles and presented them to the UN to show the world the Soviet Union’s bad intentions. For thirteen days in October 1962, the whole world stood by waiting for peaceful actions to be taken regarding the crisis. On October 22 of the same year, John F. Kennedy gave a compelling speech by responding to the Soviet Union, Cuba, America, and its allies. The purpose of president Kennedy’s methods of crisis communication with the public during Cuban missile crisis and also to Cuban and Soviet Union leader. President Kennedy’s purpose was to inform the American people about the crisis and the situation by delivering this speech and he wanted to gain American people trust by e xplaining the whole crisis. Emergencies are particular, startling, non-routine occasions that make abnormal amounts of vulnerability and are a danger or an apparent risk to an association s high need objectives. This is an exact depiction of the sentiments made by the Cuban Missile Crisis. The risk of the emergency was certain, which obviously was a national guard for any of the nations included. Emergency administration comprises of three emergency aversion, emergencyShow MoreRelatedJohn F Kennedy And The Cuban Missile Crisis1852 Words   |  8 Pagescountries recruit their younger generations. John F Kennedy was involved with every action and needed leadership skills to help the nation move forward. 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