Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Monarchy in Canada Essay - 738 Words

A monarchy is a form of government in which a single individual holds all the power in government. Since 1918 Britain has been governed in a Democratic system but held a lot of the same customs that it had when it was a monarchy (like a royal family etc.). Canada was a part of the British Monarchy when it was still around and unfortunately is still a part of the monarchy system that remains in Britain today. In 1867 the British North America Act was established and formed the Dominion of Canada by Queen Victoria. Since then Canada has grown to have its own customs and traditions but Britain’s crown is unitary throughout all jurisdictions in Canada. Queen Elizabeth the second is the sovereign of Canada she is the head of state; she must†¦show more content†¦The British Monarchy lacks legitimacy in Canada because they don’t make themselves present to Canadians in their everyday lives. Firstly, the royal family who consists of the head of the British Monarchy don ’t even bother to have a residence in Canada. This shows that the heads of the Monarchy don’t bother to make themselves existent to Canadians. Secondly, the monarchy doesn’t have any actual power to influence the lives of Canadians substantially. If the Monarchy held more power that would greatly influence Canadians almost all of Canada would pay attention to it. Lastly, 81.6 % of Canadians aged 25-44 work about 7 hours per day and then they come home to more responsibility like family and schoolwork. The Monarchy throughout that day has made little to no effort to make them seem present or even relevant to the average person. The British Monarchy does not make much effort to make themselves seem legitimate too Canadians in their lives; because of this the Monarchy should be abolished in Canada. In Canada the British Monarchy mostly has attachments to the older generation of Canadians whereas the younger generation of new Canadians feel the Monarchy has no place in Canada. Firstly, in May of 2010 a poll was conducted by Leger Marketing and it found that 68 % of Canadians that are 18-35 years oldShow MoreRelated Monarchy Essay1462 Words   |  6 PagesIn Canada, the type of government it should have is a monarchy. Although, there are many benefits and disadvantages to a monarchy, there are many drawbacks to having a republic government. Canada is a theatre, in which every citizen played a significant role. Of this grand production, the monarchist is a playwright who tampers with the script to give Canada the benefits, while giving the nation it’s own independence. Monarchy is a form of government in a state, in which an individual has sovereignRead MoreThe Monarch Era Of Britain1311 Words   |  6 Pageslanded in Canada. 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